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Australian Trees
From the top end of Northern territory to the cold of Tasmania, and the heat of central Australia, Ellenby Tree Farm has a growing range of over 110 varieties of Australian trees.
Olea europaea, Tolleys Upright Olive
Olea europaea
Tolleys Upright Olive
Height: 6m Width: 4m
Citrus aurantifolia, West Indian Lime
Citrus aurantifolia
West Indian Lime
Height: 3m Width: 3m
Melaleuca quinquenervia, Broadleaf paperbark
Melaleuca quinquenervia
Broadleaf Paperbark
Height: 10- 12m Width: 4m
Ulmus parvifolia, Inspire Chinese Elm
Ulmus parvifolia
Inspire Chinese Elm
Height: 10-12m Width: 8-10m
Metrosideros thomasii, New Zealand Christmas Tree
Metrosideros thomasii
New Zealand Christmas Tree
Height: 4m Width: 2m
Plumeria obtusa, Singapore White Frangipani
Plumeria obtusa
Singapore White Frangipani
Height: 3-4m Width: 3-4m
Platanus orientalis digitata, Cut Leaf Plane
Platanus orientalis digitata
Cut Leaf Plane
Height: 12m Width: 8m
Platanus acerifolia, London Plane Tree
Platanus acerifolia
London Plane Tree
Height: 15m Width: 10m
Plumeria obtusa, Petite Pink Frangipani
Plumeria obtusa
Petite Pink Frangipani
Height: 5m Width: 4m
Fraxinus griffithii, Flowering or Evergreen Ash
Fraxinus griffithii
Flowering or Evergreen Ash
Height: 5-7m Width: 3-4m
Cerbera odollam rubra, Red Pong Pong Tree
Cerbera odollam rubra
Red Pong Pong Tree
Height: 5m Width: 4m
Melaleuca viridflora, Weeping Red Flowering Paperbark
Melaleuca viridiflora
Weeping Red Flowering Paperbark
Height: 8-10m Width: 3-4m
Eucalyptus victrix, Little Ghost Gum
Eucalyptus victrix
Little Ghost Gum
Height: 8m Width: 4m